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Website Policy

1. Scope of the Website

This website, the "TOKYO 2025 DEAFLYMPICS - Games Information -," refers to the domain below.

2. About Technology

1) Recommended environment

The following browsers are recommended for safer and more comfortable use of this website.

  1. The latest version of Microsoft Edge
  2. The latest version of Google Chrome
  3. The latest version of Mozilla Firefox
  4. The latest version of Safari

2) Specification technology

1. Plugin

Adobe Acrobat Reader (latest version) is required to view and print PDF files on this website, and Microsoft's Windows Media Player is required for videos and audio. Some web pages require the latest version.

2. Cookie

This website uses cookies for the purpose of making it more convenient for users to browse when they visit, and for the purpose of obtaining information for continuous improvement of the website.
Cookies are information sent to your browser from a server related to the operation of this website, and are recorded on your computer. However, the recorded information does not include any information that can identify an individual, such as name, address, or telephone number.
In addition, there are no direct adverse effects on your computer.
In order to understand the access status of each page, the Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office of Tokyo Sport Benefits Corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office") may use cookies from third-party companies we outsource.
It is also possible for users to refuse to receive cookies by changing their browser settings. Even in this case, there will be no major problem in viewing this site.
Please refer to the help section for each software or inquire with the manufacturer for the browser setting method.

3. JavaScript

This website uses JavaScript in some of the contents for more comfortable use.
Please note that if JavaScript is not turned on (enabled) in your browser settings, the website may not be displayed correctly or you may not be able to operate your browser.


This website uses TLS encrypted communication for some services in order to improve the security level.
To use the applicable services, your web browser must support TLS1.2.
By using a web browser that supports security functions, personal information such as names, addresses, and telephone numbers entered by users is automatically encrypted before being sent and received.
Even if the transmitted data is intercepted by a third party, there is no need to worry about the contents being stolen. Depending on the firewall, etc. settings, the page may not be available.

5. PDF

Adobe Acrobat Reader by Adobe Systems is required to view files in PDF format.
If Adobe Acrobat Reader is not installed or if the content of the website is not displayed correctly, please download the latest version before viewing.

6. SNS

For X (formerly Twitter), YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LINE, TikTok, note, and weibo, please refer to the terms of use of each website.

3) Information security policy (security of information system)

This website protects information assets from threats in order to continue business based on the trust of everyone who uses it, and to fulfill its social mission as a government agency.

  1. In order to maintain the safety and accuracy of information assets, we will strive to prevent unauthorized information access, destruction, falsification, loss, leakage, etc., and will implement appropriate safety measures.
  2. Regarding the handling of information assets, we will comply with the Tokyo Metropolitan Information Security Basic Policy, laws and other regulations.
  3. When we outsource the processing of information assets, we will do so under the appropriate management of the Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office.
  4. We will create a system for continuous improvement and aim to maintain and improve information security.

3. Terms of Use and Legal Matters

1) Disclaimer

Although we take all possible precautions in posting information on this website, we do not guarantee its completeness or accuracy. Also, the information may be changed or deleted without prior notice. We will not be held responsible for any loss directly or indirectly caused by using the information or content contained on this website.

2) Prohibitions

When using this website, the following acts are prohibited.

  1. Acts that interfere with or cause problems in the operation of this website.
  2. Acts that cause or may cause inconvenience, disadvantage, or privacy breach to other users, third parties, or our Office.
  3. Acts that violate or may violate public order and morals.
  4. Acts that violate laws, regulations, or ordinances.
  5. Any other acts that the Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office deems inappropriate.

3) Revisions of the Rules

The contents of this website policy may be revised or deleted without notice.

4) Governing Law and Jurisdiction

Use of this website and website policy shall be governed by Japanese law unless otherwise specified.
For all disputes related to the use of this website, the Tokyo District Court will be the exclusive court of first instance and direct jurisdiction.

4. Handling of Personal Information

Please check the "Privacy Policy" for the personal information protection policy, cookie policy, etc.

5. About Copyrights/Links


Text, illustrations, logos, photos, videos, software, and all other information posted on this website are subject to copyright. In addition, the entire website is subject to copyright as an edited work, and both are protected by copyright law.
Copyrights are owned by the Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office or a third party, and may not be reproduced or diverted without permission, except in cases permitted by copyright law, such as "reproduction for private use" or "quotation.”


In principle, links to this website are free regardless of whether they are for commercial or non-commercial purposes. Please specify that your link is to the TOKYO 2025 DEAFLYMPICS - Games Information - before setting it up. However, please refrain from setting links that correspond to or fall under any of the following.

  1. When it contains content that slanders the Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office or other companies (persons) or organizations or contains content intended to damage credibility.
  2. When there are acts that infringe or are likely to infringe on intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademark rights, property, privacy, portrait rights, or other rights of the Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office or other companies (persons) or organizations.
  3. When the contents of this site are displayed in a frame, etc., making it unclear that they are of the Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office, and there is a possibility of misleading third parties.
  4. In addition to the above items, when there is an act that violates laws, ordinances, regulations, or public order and morals, or if there is a risk of obstructing operation of this website.
  5. When creating a link using logos, marks, etc. owned by the Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office without permission.
  6. When linking in a manner that is misleading as to the source of the information.

Please note that the URL of this website may change without notice. Please note that the Deaflympics Preparation and Operation Office is not responsible for any compensation or complaints related to other links.
